The Following Week
Originally posted Thursday, October 13, 2005
After last weeks major fuck up from Sped, I walk into work on Tuesday with much skepticism as to whether or not anything has really changed. Sped cuts me off at the pass before I can even get to my desk.
“We need to have a talk” He says
“Yes we do” I say fearing we are not on the same boat judging by his tone and the look on his face.
“I sent you a meeting request in Outlook for 2:00pm today.”
“All right, fine”
I head over to my desk where I am greeted by the nurse.
“Good morning, and how are you.” She asks
“Ok, I guess, depends on this damn meeting later”
“Oh I bet it’s about this weekend” she says
“Why, what happened this weekend?”
“You didn’t hear?”
“No, obviously not, hence the question, what happened this weekend.”
“The computers were so screwed up that they had to shut the school down and send everyone home.”
“What do you mean they were screwed up, they working fine when I left on Friday” I say with concern
“I know that’s why they are blaming YOU!”
“Yeah, they said whatever you did messed up the computers so bad that they couldn’t do anything.”
“But I didn’t do anything; all I did was fixed Sped’s fuck-up.”
“Well I wasn’t here Friday so I don’t know what all went on, all I know is that they said it had to be something you did.”
I immediately head into the directors office to find out what’s going on.
“What’s this I hear I’m getting blamed for whatever happened this past Saturday?” I ask the director
“Yeah, seems the whole system was fucked up.” He tells me
“But I didn’t change anything” I explain
“Sure you did. Don’t you remember you whacked his public profile? The default profile didn’t have any of the network drives mapped or anything, so nothing worked.”
“Wait a minute” I say “I’m not the one that changed the profile, you did, and besides that I tested everything before I left and all the computers were working with no problems.”
“No….no, I don’t recall that, but anyway, what’s done is done, no big deal. Well I’m off to lunch see you later.”
“No big deal? Out to lunch? It’s only 9:30. Something is defiantly up with him” I think to myself
I walk back to my desk where coincidently the nurse turns to me and says.
“Don’t you find it odd the long lunch’s the director has been taking lately?”
“Yes….I wonder what’s up?”
“I dunno, but he seems to have a different excuse each day, first it was taking his wife to the hospital, then he had to help a friend move, then his car was struck by hail, and then……” The sounds of her voice trail off as I focus back on my computer to check log files on the server from this past Saturday to determine what happened. From the looks of it, the default profile does not look the same as it did on Friday. But how did it change? I was the last one out of here Friday night? Confused I ignore it for now and hope the meeting later can shed some light on the subject.
“Well, you ready?” The other teacher asks me
“Yeah I guess lets get this over with.” I say
We head off to a small meeting room where the director is to join us. That is if he still weren’t out to lunch.
“Well the director isn’t back from lunch yet so I guess it is just you and me.” He sits down at the table across from me and lays down a notebook with a page full of scribbled down suggestions, ideas and comments. “The director seems to think we need to communicate more on our daily activities if this school is going to run smoothly”
“Yes I would have to agree with that.” At this point I am expecting him to tell me that he made a terrible mistake last week in taking it upon himself to make so many sudden changes without notifying anyone or going through proper channels. I should know better then this.
“First off, you are not to make any changes to the system without notifying me first of what you plan to do.”
“Excuse me?” I say
“The changes you made on Friday were so bad they had to shut down the school, and I had to come in on Sunday to clean it up.” My blood pressure is beginning to rise, and a soar of emotions is quickly building inside of me to the point that I can’t contain myself in a proper manner anymore. At this point I have had it with this pile of puke and am going to let him know about it.
“Hold on here, for one thing I didn’t make any changes to the system on Friday, your director did.”
“Oh, it was? He didn’t tell me that part”
“Yeah taking blame around here is something no one seems to want to do and I am tired of it. Second, you told me you were coming in here on Friday to help fix all the shit you caused.” My voice is starting to elevate now to the point that the admissions office on the other side of the wall has fallen completely silent. “I did what I had to do in order to get the students on track, and I will do it again in the future with, or without your damn permission.”
‘No, you won’t” he asserts
“No, you will contact me anyway you need to and discuss these changes.”
“The FUCK if I will. You were not here on Friday; you did not see the chaos you caused. You didn’t have to deal with angry students because they were not able to work on their material. I did what I had to do to get this place operational and that is my first priority and I will do it again, if you don’t like it then fuck off.”
‘Calm down…….”
“Fuck you, if you think I am going to sit back while this place falls apart, and everyone blames me for shit they did and on top of that try to get a hold of you on your cell phone and wait for your approval you got another thing coming.”
“Look” he says trying to calm me down “I know you probably don’t like the fact that I am your boss…..”
“MY BOSS, for one, your not my boss, two, if you were I wouldn’t give a shit…… if you knew what the hell you were doing, but you don’t. You suck in the IT field, you have no conception of what it is like out in the real world, you are fresh out of college and only book smart and think you know what it takes to successfully run anything IT. You’re a fucking moron, and in the real world you would have been fired 10 times over by now for the stunts you have pulled.”
“Yeah I know, but……..”
“But nothing, you openly admit this shit now and yet you continue to do it, and on top of that you want me to get approval from you? Yeah right, it’s not happening.”
“Look as I told you before, all decisions go through me from now on.”
“No, they don’t”
“Yes, they do”
“No, they won’t”
“Yes, they will”
“NO, THEY WON’T, I will continue to do my job as described to me, and that is, the students come first and they are my first priority. Whatever is needed to get that done, DO IT, plain and simple!” At this point I am yelling at the top of my lungs, and I stand up from the table looking down at him. “And in the future if the opportunity arises, I will not hesitate to do the same, and if you don’t like it then fire my god damn ass…BOSS, otherwise shut the fuck up.” I begin to open the door to leave this ridiculous meeting when he says…..
“Now come on, sit down.”
“Fuck you, this meeting is over!”
“SIT DOWN, NOW” Demanding me like his dog is not going to get him very far; I ignore him and proceed out the door. As I walk back to my desk I can hear him still in the meeting room mumbling something to himself about “great fucking meeting, glad I’m the only one here” followed by him leaving the room and slamming the door. On his way back he decides to swing by my desk. Now this is either an extreme act of bravery, or stupidity.
“I highly advise you to get the hell away from me” I tell him
“From now on everything goes through me.”
“What fucking ever dude” Ah stupidity rears its ugly head once again.
By now I am so furious I can’t concentrate on anything, and the urge to kick his ass is still very strong. About an hour goes by before he comes back out to my desk.
“Now is not a good time” I tell him “I am still extremely pissed off, and not far off from pounding the piss out of you.” He pulls up a chair and sits down.
“Ok listen, if we’re going to work together………”
“Maybe you didn’t hear me clearly the first time” Like a lion in the wild being approached while eating a fresh kill, I stop momentarily working on my computer, turn my chair to face him, look him straight in the eyes and in a low tone tell him “I said get the fuck away from me, NOW.” To my surprise he just sits there staring at me as if he didn’t hear a word I just said.
“We need to work this out, other students are noticing our behavior” At this point I could give a rats ass, but since I need the job I sit back to hear his ramblings. “I know I made some fuck up's last week…..”
“You know what, I don’t even fucking care, what pisses me off the most is that you said you were coming in the next day to help me out, and you never showed up."
“Well actually I did, but it was after hours.” HOLY FUCK, now I know why everything was so messed up on Saturday. It all makes sense now.
“Wait a minute; you came in here on Friday after hours? Why? Everything by then was working fine.”
“Well I had to… see…….I finished up……”
“You son of a bitch, what the hell did you do? Wait never mind that, how could you sit there and let me take the blame for something, once again you knew you did.” If I drop him three steps to the left of the giant air conditioner on the roof, he should hit the pavement right next to the overweight, chain smoking, and disfigured, handicapped women’s parking spot.
“Well, at the time I didn’t know what changes you had made on Friday.”
“Well, anyway, we need to work this out!” He says
“No, you need to go away whilst I calm down” Seeing my degree of anger he finally subsides and walks back to his desk.
Throughout the entire school all is still quiet, and for the first time I am actually able to get some things done. For some reason no one wants to ask me any questions or even sit any where near me. Must be giving off a vibe or something, oh well, no worries.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
After last weeks major fuck up from Sped, I walk into work on Tuesday with much skepticism as to whether or not anything has really changed. Sped cuts me off at the pass before I can even get to my desk.
“We need to have a talk” He says
“Yes we do” I say fearing we are not on the same boat judging by his tone and the look on his face.
“I sent you a meeting request in Outlook for 2:00pm today.”
“All right, fine”
I head over to my desk where I am greeted by the nurse.
“Good morning, and how are you.” She asks
“Ok, I guess, depends on this damn meeting later”
“Oh I bet it’s about this weekend” she says
“Why, what happened this weekend?”
“You didn’t hear?”
“No, obviously not, hence the question, what happened this weekend.”
“The computers were so screwed up that they had to shut the school down and send everyone home.”
“What do you mean they were screwed up, they working fine when I left on Friday” I say with concern
“I know that’s why they are blaming YOU!”
“Yeah, they said whatever you did messed up the computers so bad that they couldn’t do anything.”
“But I didn’t do anything; all I did was fixed Sped’s fuck-up.”
“Well I wasn’t here Friday so I don’t know what all went on, all I know is that they said it had to be something you did.”
I immediately head into the directors office to find out what’s going on.
“What’s this I hear I’m getting blamed for whatever happened this past Saturday?” I ask the director
“Yeah, seems the whole system was fucked up.” He tells me
“But I didn’t change anything” I explain
“Sure you did. Don’t you remember you whacked his public profile? The default profile didn’t have any of the network drives mapped or anything, so nothing worked.”
“Wait a minute” I say “I’m not the one that changed the profile, you did, and besides that I tested everything before I left and all the computers were working with no problems.”
“No….no, I don’t recall that, but anyway, what’s done is done, no big deal. Well I’m off to lunch see you later.”
“No big deal? Out to lunch? It’s only 9:30. Something is defiantly up with him” I think to myself
I walk back to my desk where coincidently the nurse turns to me and says.
“Don’t you find it odd the long lunch’s the director has been taking lately?”
“Yes….I wonder what’s up?”
“I dunno, but he seems to have a different excuse each day, first it was taking his wife to the hospital, then he had to help a friend move, then his car was struck by hail, and then……” The sounds of her voice trail off as I focus back on my computer to check log files on the server from this past Saturday to determine what happened. From the looks of it, the default profile does not look the same as it did on Friday. But how did it change? I was the last one out of here Friday night? Confused I ignore it for now and hope the meeting later can shed some light on the subject.
“Well, you ready?” The other teacher asks me
“Yeah I guess lets get this over with.” I say
We head off to a small meeting room where the director is to join us. That is if he still weren’t out to lunch.
“Well the director isn’t back from lunch yet so I guess it is just you and me.” He sits down at the table across from me and lays down a notebook with a page full of scribbled down suggestions, ideas and comments. “The director seems to think we need to communicate more on our daily activities if this school is going to run smoothly”
“Yes I would have to agree with that.” At this point I am expecting him to tell me that he made a terrible mistake last week in taking it upon himself to make so many sudden changes without notifying anyone or going through proper channels. I should know better then this.
“First off, you are not to make any changes to the system without notifying me first of what you plan to do.”
“Excuse me?” I say
“The changes you made on Friday were so bad they had to shut down the school, and I had to come in on Sunday to clean it up.” My blood pressure is beginning to rise, and a soar of emotions is quickly building inside of me to the point that I can’t contain myself in a proper manner anymore. At this point I have had it with this pile of puke and am going to let him know about it.
“Hold on here, for one thing I didn’t make any changes to the system on Friday, your director did.”
“Oh, it was? He didn’t tell me that part”
“Yeah taking blame around here is something no one seems to want to do and I am tired of it. Second, you told me you were coming in here on Friday to help fix all the shit you caused.” My voice is starting to elevate now to the point that the admissions office on the other side of the wall has fallen completely silent. “I did what I had to do in order to get the students on track, and I will do it again in the future with, or without your damn permission.”
‘No, you won’t” he asserts
“No, you will contact me anyway you need to and discuss these changes.”
“The FUCK if I will. You were not here on Friday; you did not see the chaos you caused. You didn’t have to deal with angry students because they were not able to work on their material. I did what I had to do to get this place operational and that is my first priority and I will do it again, if you don’t like it then fuck off.”
‘Calm down…….”
“Fuck you, if you think I am going to sit back while this place falls apart, and everyone blames me for shit they did and on top of that try to get a hold of you on your cell phone and wait for your approval you got another thing coming.”
“Look” he says trying to calm me down “I know you probably don’t like the fact that I am your boss…..”
“MY BOSS, for one, your not my boss, two, if you were I wouldn’t give a shit…… if you knew what the hell you were doing, but you don’t. You suck in the IT field, you have no conception of what it is like out in the real world, you are fresh out of college and only book smart and think you know what it takes to successfully run anything IT. You’re a fucking moron, and in the real world you would have been fired 10 times over by now for the stunts you have pulled.”
“Yeah I know, but……..”
“But nothing, you openly admit this shit now and yet you continue to do it, and on top of that you want me to get approval from you? Yeah right, it’s not happening.”
“Look as I told you before, all decisions go through me from now on.”
“No, they don’t”
“Yes, they do”
“No, they won’t”
“Yes, they will”
“NO, THEY WON’T, I will continue to do my job as described to me, and that is, the students come first and they are my first priority. Whatever is needed to get that done, DO IT, plain and simple!” At this point I am yelling at the top of my lungs, and I stand up from the table looking down at him. “And in the future if the opportunity arises, I will not hesitate to do the same, and if you don’t like it then fire my god damn ass…BOSS, otherwise shut the fuck up.” I begin to open the door to leave this ridiculous meeting when he says…..
“Now come on, sit down.”
“Fuck you, this meeting is over!”
“SIT DOWN, NOW” Demanding me like his dog is not going to get him very far; I ignore him and proceed out the door. As I walk back to my desk I can hear him still in the meeting room mumbling something to himself about “great fucking meeting, glad I’m the only one here” followed by him leaving the room and slamming the door. On his way back he decides to swing by my desk. Now this is either an extreme act of bravery, or stupidity.
“I highly advise you to get the hell away from me” I tell him
“From now on everything goes through me.”
“What fucking ever dude” Ah stupidity rears its ugly head once again.
By now I am so furious I can’t concentrate on anything, and the urge to kick his ass is still very strong. About an hour goes by before he comes back out to my desk.
“Now is not a good time” I tell him “I am still extremely pissed off, and not far off from pounding the piss out of you.” He pulls up a chair and sits down.
“Ok listen, if we’re going to work together………”
“Maybe you didn’t hear me clearly the first time” Like a lion in the wild being approached while eating a fresh kill, I stop momentarily working on my computer, turn my chair to face him, look him straight in the eyes and in a low tone tell him “I said get the fuck away from me, NOW.” To my surprise he just sits there staring at me as if he didn’t hear a word I just said.
“We need to work this out, other students are noticing our behavior” At this point I could give a rats ass, but since I need the job I sit back to hear his ramblings. “I know I made some fuck up's last week…..”
“You know what, I don’t even fucking care, what pisses me off the most is that you said you were coming in the next day to help me out, and you never showed up."
“Well actually I did, but it was after hours.” HOLY FUCK, now I know why everything was so messed up on Saturday. It all makes sense now.
“Wait a minute; you came in here on Friday after hours? Why? Everything by then was working fine.”
“Well I had to… see…….I finished up……”
“You son of a bitch, what the hell did you do? Wait never mind that, how could you sit there and let me take the blame for something, once again you knew you did.” If I drop him three steps to the left of the giant air conditioner on the roof, he should hit the pavement right next to the overweight, chain smoking, and disfigured, handicapped women’s parking spot.
“Well, at the time I didn’t know what changes you had made on Friday.”
“Well, anyway, we need to work this out!” He says
“No, you need to go away whilst I calm down” Seeing my degree of anger he finally subsides and walks back to his desk.
Throughout the entire school all is still quiet, and for the first time I am actually able to get some things done. For some reason no one wants to ask me any questions or even sit any where near me. Must be giving off a vibe or something, oh well, no worries.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
At 9:12 PM,
Jess B said…
I want to know what tomorrow brings.....please????
At 9:13 PM,
Jess B said…
New post now?
At 9:13 PM,
Jess B said…
How about now?
At 4:10 PM,
Mr. Cheese said…
Your wish is my command. :-)
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